Source code for mics.MBAR

.. module:: MBAR
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: a module for defining the class :class:`MBAR`.

.. moduleauthor:: Charlles R. A. Abreu <>


import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot
from pymbar import mbar

import mics
from mics.utils import info
from mics.utils import logsumexp

[docs]class MBAR: """ Machinery for mixture-model analysis using the MBAR method :cite:`Shirts_2008`. Parameters ---------- tol : real, optional, default = 1e-12 A tolerance for determining convergence of the self-consistent solution of the MBAR equations. """ # ====================================================================================== def __init__(self, tol=1e-12): self.tol = tol # ====================================================================================== def __initialize__(self, mixture): m = mixture.m n = mixture.n mb = self.MBAR = mbar.MBAR(np.hstack(mixture.u), n, relative_tolerance=self.tol, initial_f_k=mixture.f, verbose=mics.verbose) mixture.f = mb.f_k mics.verbose and info("Free energies after convergence:", mixture.f) flnpi = (mixture.f + np.log(n/sum(n)))[:, np.newaxis] mixture.u0 = [-logsumexp(flnpi - u) for u in mixture.u] self.P = [np.exp(flnpi - mixture.u[i] + mixture.u0[i]) for i in range(m)] Theta = mb._computeAsymptoticCovarianceMatrix(np.exp(mb.Log_W_nk), mb.N_k) mixture.Theta = np.array(Theta) mics.verbose and info("Free-energy covariance matrix:", mixture.Theta) mixture.Overlap = mb.N_k*np.matmul(mb.W_nk.T, mb.W_nk) mics.verbose and info("Overlap matrix:", mixture.Overlap) # ====================================================================================== def __reweight__(self, mixture, u, y, ref=0): u_ln = np.stack([np.hstack(u).flatten(), # new state = 0 np.hstack(x[ref, :] for x in mixture.u)]) # reference state = 1 A_n = np.hstack(y) # properties n = A_n.shape[0] # number of properties # Compute properties [0:n-1] at state 0 and property 0 at state 1: smap = np.arange(2) if n == 0 else np.block([[np.zeros(n,, 1], # states [np.arange(n), 0]]) # properties results = self.MBAR.computeExpectationsInner(A_n, u_ln, smap, return_theta=True) # Covariance matrix of x = log(c), whose size is 2*(n+1) x 2*(n+1): Theta = results['Theta'] if n == 0: fu = results['free energies'][0] - results['free energies'][1] d2fu = Theta[0, 0] + Theta[1, 1] - 2*Theta[0, 1] return np.array([fu]), np.array([[d2fu]]) # Functions, whose number is n+1: fu = np.array([results['free energies'][0] - results['free energies'][n]]) yu = results['observables'][0:n] # Gradient: # fu = -ln(c[n+1]/c[2*n+1]) = x[2*n+1] - x[n+1] # yu[i] = c[i]/c[n+1+i] = exp(x[i] - x[n+1+i]) G = np.zeros([2*(n+1), n+1]) G[n+1, 0] = -1.0 G[2*n+1, 0] = 1.0 delta = yu - results['Amin'][0:n] for i in range(n): G[i, i+1] = delta[i] G[n+1+i, i+1] = -delta[i] return np.concatenate([fu, yu]), multi_dot([G.T, Theta, G])